Squared Away Lawns Inc is a premier lawn care and fencing company based in Oklahoma. We provide a wide range of services to ensure your lawn is maintained perfectly as well as any additions you wish to make are done properly and with expert attention. Our services are utilized in both residential and commercial properties year round. We are Home Advisor Top Rated and have been selected as Oklahoma City Magazine "Best of the Best Lawns". Contact us today to find out more about how we can best assist you!
Residential Lawncare
Commercial services
Landscaping Design and Service
Retaining walls
Weed Control and Fertilizer
Irrigation Services
Veteran Owned
2017 & 2018 Oklahoma City Magazine "Best of the Best Lawns"
HomeAdvisor Top Rated
Homes by Taber - subcontracted from "sod to sell" (500 homes)
Kohls department store - landscaping contract
Lowes department store - landscaping contract